Implants and immediate teeth
If you need to extract a tooth, implants are one of the best options. With me, in addition, we can place an immediate fixed tooth in the same visit, so you can smile with confidence from the first day.
Dental implants are an effective and long-lasting option to replace missing teeth. In 90% of the cases, my patients can go home with fixed teeth the same day we perform the extraction, even in cases of total tooth loss, avoiding having to wait months with a removable appliance.
In addition, the immediate fixed teeth help to improve the gumline profile, which guarantees a more lasting and effective final result. Recover your smile with the benefits of dental implants.
Case example of dental implant insertion.
Treatment steps
Study and planning
Each case is unique, so I will study each of them individually and personally. We will create a plan tailored to the needs of the patient.
Implant insertion
Even in case of having to extract a damaged tooth, we can place the implant the same day, without the patient having to wait several weeks without the tooth.
Temporary fixed tooth
At the same moment of the insertion of the implant, we will place a temporary fixed tooth, which is more comfortable and improves the final result.
Final teeth
After 4 to 6 months, we replace the temporary fixed tooth with the permanent tooth.
Once a year, we will check the implants to make sure that the dental crown stays in place and does not lose its grip.
Why a dental implant?
There are many benefits of turning to me for your treatment of dental implants and immediate teeth. Here are some of them:
Improve your smile
Smile with confidence knowing that your teeth are fixed and their aesthetics are ideal for you.
Improves chewing and swallowing
It allows food to be better crushed, reducing the production of gastric juices, giving less acidity and gastric reflux.
Due to their materials and technology, they are capable of lasting even decades.
Implant vs bridge for fixed teeth
When to choose one or the other?
Immediate placement of temporary fixed teeth
Smiling confidently is essential. For this reason, with me, the patient will be able to leave the consultation with a fixed temporary tooth in the same visit in which we perform the extraction. Thanks to techniques such as All on Four or All on Six, this is possible even in cases of total tooth loss.
What are the advantages of wearing a provisional fixed tooth?
From the first moment, the patient has the certainty that he has a fixed tooth and eliminating the fear of chewing or smiling naturally. This process also allows our patients to see if the shape and color of the temporary tooth are to their liking, in order to adapt the final tooth to their needs and tastes. Este proceso también permite a nuestros pacientes ver si la forma y el color del diente temporal son de su agrado, para así adaptar el diente definitivo a sus necesidades y gustos.

¿Son adecuados para todos los pacientes?
Los implantes de zirconio son una excelente opción para muchas personas, pero no todos los pacientes son candidatos ideales:
- Alergias a los metales:
Son perfectos para aquellos pacientes que tienen alergias a los metales o simplemente prefieren evitar el uso de titanio. - Suficiencia ósea:
Al igual que con los implantes de titanio, es necesario que el paciente tenga suficiente masa ósea para soportar el implante. En caso contrario, se puede realizar un injerto óseo. - Estabilidad en la salud dental:
Pacientes con condiciones bucales complicadas, como enfermedades periodontales, deben tratar sus problemas antes de considerar un implante de zirconio.
Painless treatment
For many patients, the thought of dental intervention can be stressful or even terrifying. But today, there are different sedation options available to make the experience much more comfortable. From oral or intravenous sedation to general anesthesia, each patient can choose the type of sedation that best suits their needs and preferences.
In the first phase of the treatment, the team of anesthesiologists and I will advise the patient on the most suitable type of sedation, this being especially important in those hypochondriac patients, who have had bad experiences at the dentist or simply want to be under a sedative state during your dental treatment.

Types of implants we work
Conventional implants
Conventional dental implants are a popular option to replace missing teeth. These types of implants are placed directly into the maxillary or mandibular bone and integrate with the bone over time. Conventional dental implants are very durable and can last for decades with proper care.
Zygomatic implants
Zygomatic implants are used in cases of extensive bone loss, which makes the use of conventional implants impossible. These longer implants are inserted into the zygomatic bone found in the cheek, and up to the maxilla. They allow us to make immediate provisional teeth, and are indicated in patients who have lost their teeth a long time ago or in the case of patients who have suffered from severe diseases.
Nasal implants
This type of implants are placed on the outside of the jaw. The most common use cases are:
- In case of loss of outer teeth
As a pillar for a treatment when the patient no longer has teeth in the jaw. - Before an All on Four or All on Six treatment.
- In case of loss of outer teeth
Tuberosity and pterygoid implants
These types of implants are usually used in the All on Four and All on Six treatment, in cases of edentulous patients or when a bridge is made between implants.
They are very appropriate to avoid performing a sinus lift, and can sometimes be a good alternative to zygomatic implants.
5. ¿Es posible hacerme un implante de zirconio si tengo poco hueso?
Sí, al igual que con los implantes de titanio, si hay insuficiencia ósea, se puede recurrir a injertos óseos para preparar la zona.
dental implants in Silla
Recover your smile
Whether you have a clinic and need me to participate in some of your cases, or if you are an individual and want to regain trust, contact me.
From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturdays: from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.